Local East Austin Herb Shop

Organic Herbs, Teas, Gifts, Body Care, Events, and more.
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Gemini Seasonal Zodiac Tea Blend

Gemini Season
May 20 to June 20
Organic ingredients: lemon balm, lavender, peppermint, oatstraw

Just in time for this heat! Keep your body and your mind cool as a cucumber 🥒

We love this tea, especially on hot days.

Land your clear perspective. Relieve a muddled head, rest easy in one’s actions, move on. Enjoy life with its ups and downs.

Gemini is ruled by Mercury. Gemini body parts of focus are the nervous system, the hands, shoulders, elements of focus, and intelligence.

Gemini Blend is a part of our Monthly Sun Tea Collection. As we cycle through the year we align our tea recipes in respect to what zodiac sign the sun is in.


Membership features

self care + community + fun + plants!

This is for anyone seeking community, self care, herbal knowledge, & experience.

Month-long Mystery Plant Study (Plant Meditations)

We meet the 3rd Thursday of every month unless planned otherwise.

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Bulk Dried Herbs & Single Plant Extracts

We offer a large selection of bulk herbs and single plant extracts. We sell them by the ounce.

Visit our shop or email us to place an order: [email protected]

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Come say hello!

641 Tillery Street Suite 105
Austin, TX 78702

Tuesday – Friday: 9:30 am – 3 pm
Weekends 9:00 am – 5 pm
Closed on Mondays